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MESH Headings

Using MeSH Terms in Your Search

MeSH terms are a controlled vocabulary of "Medical Subject Headings" created by the National Library of Medicine. MeSH terms focuses your search, finding ALL the most RELEVANT articles. Think of MeSH terms as the "official" terms that describe concepts.

From the Advanced search screen

1. Enter a term, then change the field to MeSH Terms or MeSH Major Topic:

2.  Click "Show Index" (to the right, under the AND button):

3. A list of MeSH terms appears. If your term is there it is a MeSH term and you can select it. In some cases the list of MeSH terms will suggest a better term. In the example above the better term is "microbiota".

You can also search for articles using specific MeSH terms from a relevant article. 

1. Perform a search and click on an article to view it. 

2. In the left side look for "MeSH Terms" in the list and click on it. 

3. Look at the MeSH terms and click on one. Choose an option to search for it in PubMed or add it to your current search: