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Link Knox Subscriptions to Google Scholar

Google Scholar is not a full text database; it will provide a link to the full text only if it is freely available on the web. Otherwise, Google Scholar may lead you to sites that ask you to sign in or purchase specific articles.

You can set up Google Scholar so that it links into the databases available at Knox. To set up Google Scholar to link with Knox's resources, follow these steps:

1. Go to Google Scholar and click on "Settings" from the top menu. (You may have to click the menu again and select "Settings" again.)

2. Click on Library Links from the left menu.

3. Search for "Knox College" and then select the appropriate options:

4. Select the box for "Knox College - Find It-Knox College."

When you see search results in Google Scholar, look for the Find It-Knox College link. Click on the link to view the item in Knox Primo where you will be presented with options for obtaining the article.