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Special Collections and Archives

Special Collections

Special Collections 

Special Collections include unique materials, such as rare books and objects. While not directly tied to the College, these collections align with our mission. We selectively collect materials on topics such as the upper Mississippi River Valley, early North American exploration, slavery and abolition, the American Civil War, literary collections, and local Galesburg history.

Special Collections

  • Seymour Bookfelloows Literary Collection 
    • Poets, authors, and composers scrapbooks
    • American Presidents, politicians, and European royalty 
    • Scientists 
  • Archaeological material 
    • artifacts 
  • Material culture 
    • clothing 
    • objects

Rare Books Collection

  • The Finley Collection
    • titles related to the exploration and early development of different parts of the Midwest
  • The Hemingway Collection 
    • Frist editions, special editions, and rare materials related to the Lost Generation of Writers, including:
      • William Faulkner
      • F. Scott Fitzgerald 
      • Ernest Hemingway 
      • Gertrude Stein 
  • Pamphlets and historical broadsides relating to the history of anti-slavery and abolition
  • 13th-20th century maps 
  • Travel posters and war posters 
  • Early works dealing with science, literature, and travel