"Creative Commons Licenses" is licensed by Knox College under a CC BY-SA 4.0 International License.
The basic components of any attribution are T-A-S-L:
Title | Give the title of the work if the work has one. If you altered a work give the new title (if it has one) as well as make a reference to title, if present, of the original work that you altered. Title is not always required, but the license details will spell out any requirements. |
Author | Author refers to the licensor or copyright holder of the work. |
Source | Source is usually a URL where people can find the work. |
License | The CC license itself. Name the license and provide a link to the license deed. Example: CC BY-SA 4.0. |
Whether you are making a collection or an adaptation/remix/derivative work it is essential to make proper attributions to all Creative Commons licensed material used in the new work. The Creative Commons wiki has good information on how to make proper attributions when reusing CC licensed works, for example the section on making attributions for works from multiple sources.
For adaptations and remixes where original content is altered it is good practice to also note in the attribution statements how the original content has been altered.