The Knox College Library has a small, but unique, children's book collection on the first floor of Seymour Library, The Campbell Children's Books Collection. Materials circulate for 5 weeks, and complement the Galesburg Public Library's collection.
1. Think of KEYWORDS that express the subject you are searching for and then think of SYNONYMS. Put the words together in a search phrase.
Search fields to try: KEYWORD or SUBJECT
Search: math* OR number* OR count*
Search: Underground Railroad OR insects
2. Limit the results on the left side to Campbell Collection. (Note that there is a non-circulating collection that is only accessible through Special Collections and Archives)
3. Use the Details section of a book to find other books on the same subject. The Subjects are hyperlinked, or you can jot down other words to use as keywords
4. Expand your search to I-share to find more titles!
The Galesburg Public Library is a fantastic source of children's materials, available for browsing or checkout. Bring your Knox College ID to apply for a library card. Materials circulate for 3 weeks, and teachers may request 6 weeks. [map to library]
Galesburg Public Library Catalog
1. Think of KEYWORDS that express your subject you are searching. Note: it is NOT possible to use OR with synonyms like in the Knox and I-Share catalogs, therefore, you may wish to search ONE subject keyword at a time.
Search: butterfl*
Search: moth
2. Limit the results on the left side to READING LEVEL = Juvenile or Young Adult. Click "Include".
3. Here is a book retrieved through the search: butterfl* .
4. Evaluate a specific book by looking at the tabs: SUMMARY and REVIEW(S).
5. Note the Lexile Measure for Reading Level on the right side of the page (if available).
Lexile Measures describe the typical reading level of the book and corresponding grade level. (more on Lexile Measures)
Finding Children's & Young Adult Literature