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HIST 323: Germany Since 1945

Journals for the Study of German History

Browse some of the journals listed below. Examine the tables of contents or look at specific articles in full text (if available).

Core journals in German history:

German History (full text 1998-present online with a 12 month embargo)

New German Critique (full text on JSTOR 1973-2016)

German Politics & Society (on JSTOR 1986-present with 4 yr. embargo; on EBSCO 2001-present with 1 yr. embargo)

German Studies Review (full text online 1978-present with 5 yr. embargo in JSTOR)

The following journals may also have significant content in the area of German history:

Central European History (full text online 1968-present with 3 yr. embargo in JSTOR)

Contemporary European History (full text online 1999-present)

European History Quarterly (full text online 1971-present)

Journal of Contemporary History (full text online 1966-present)

War in History (full text online 1999-present)

These two journals cover wider areas of history and both are important journals in the field:

Journal of Modern History (full text online 1997-present; also JSTOR 1929-2015 )

American Historical Review (full text online 1996-present; earlier issues in JSTOR )