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HIST 323: Germany Since 1945

Book reviews help you determine if a book is relevant to your topic, of course. And some book reviews are "review articles" wherein the reviewer discusses multiple books in context with each other and with the broader topic at large. But book reviews can also be a source of opinion and commentary by reviewers on the topics suggested in the books under review.

Journals & Web Sites

The scholarly online community, H-Net Reviews has reviews from 1993 to the present and is fully searchable by keyword.

Reviews in American History. The full text for this journal from 1973-2018 is available on JSTOR.

Reviews in History is an online-only journal (free) publishing lengthy scholarly reviews, since 1996,  of "significant work in all fields of historical interest."

History: Reviews of New Books has tables of contents from 2006 (only) available online. Use Tipasa interlibrary loan to get full articles.


You can limit a search to book reviews in JSTOR by selecting the "Reviews" item type:

TIP: When searching for a book title in JSTOR, put quotation marks around the title.

And, if your book has fairly common title words, you should also use the author's last name in the second search box.

Items that are not already in full text in JSTOR might be available in other databases or in Seymour Library. Click the  button to check for full text elsewhere.

View this brief video (2:02) about finding book reviews in JSTOR. 

Book Reviews in EBSCO Databases

Search the history databases and Book Review Digest simultaneously to find book reviews:

Historical Abstracts covers reviews in history journals for non-North American history. America: History & Life is the best source for scholarly book reviews for topics in North American history. Add Academic Search Complete, which is a good general database covering scholarly journals in many different disciplines, and the book review database Book Review Digest, to get the best search possible. You could also consider adding other subject databases if appropriate, for example the Political Science Complete database.

1. After clicking on a link to get to an EBSCO database, click on the "Choose Databases" link to select the databases you want to search simultaneously:

2. Type in the: title of the book:

3. Scroll down and select "Book Review" from the Document Type list:

Use the  button to find the journal online, in Seymour Library, or to request it via interlibrary loan.

Book Review Digest

Book Review Digest indexes book reviews in magazines and journals from 1965 to the present.

Put the title of the book in the search box, then select the TI Title index, like this: 

There will be some full text reviews in the database, but if the review you seek is not there in full text, use the  (Find It) button to get the review by another method.