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Browsing for books on the shelf can be a very useful way to gather material on a topic. Seymour Library uses the Library of Congress call number classification system, and all materials on a topic are shelved together. For anthropology and sociology, try browsing these sections:
GN1-GN890 Anthropology
GN49-GN298 Physical Anthropology
GN301-GN674 Ethnology, Social and Cultural Anthropology
GN345.7-GN348 Ethnology, Special Methods
GN378-GN396 Ethnographies
H1-H99 Social Sciences (General)
HM401-HM1281 Sociology (General)
HM435-Hm477 History of Sociology; History of sociological theory
HM481-HM554 Theory; Method; Relations to other subjects
HM1001-HM1281 Social Psychology