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Seymour library's policies and guidelines.

Seymour Library is committed to providing equitable access to library services, facilities, and collections for all users. While our full accessibility statement is still in draft form, we wanted to share some updates and improvements that will be implemented over the summer, as well as information about the services we currently offer. Below are some key areas the DEIA team is addressing:

  • Facility Improvements: We are actively working on ensuring accessible bathrooms and elevators. 

  • Entrances: Plans to improve accessibility of the main library entrance are underway.

  • Services Offered: Some of our current services include accessible water fountains, assistance with retrieving books from the stacks, and flexible research consultations.

We remain committed to providing honest assessments of our facilities and ensuring access to materials and facilities for all users. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to enhance accessibility at the Seymour Library.