Knox College Libraries is not accepting donations of physical items, except for:
This policy reflects the high cost of storing, reviewing and processing donations. As a liberal arts college library with a focus on a collection that supports our current curriculum, students, and faculty, we have found that it is more cost effective to purchase new titles than to review older titles that too often duplicate existing copies in our collection.
Sometimes we receive unsolicited donations from individuals and organizations. If you mail us items for the library or drop off without speaking with someone, the items are subject to these guidelines and we may not accept them. Please contact us in advance before sending any items to us.
Knox College Libraries will only accept donations during weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. If the donation is a larger donation (3 items or more) please arrange a time to meet with a librarian to review the donations. Please note these timeframes are impacted by holidays and staff availability.
Library staff will assist with delivery of any donations to Knox College. We can help with planning and delivering items into the building.