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Find Films

If a film/DVD is not available at Knox or via I-Share, then you may be able to get a copy through Interlibrary loan (ILL) using our Tipasa ILL service.

Search Knox Primo for the film, but make sure you are signed into Knox Primo. Use the "Everything" search:

You may limit your results list by using the Resource Type = Videos limiter found in the left column.

When you find a record that matches your film, click on the link to request the item via the Tipasa interlibrary loan service.

Interlibrary Loan Policies for Films

When borrowing A/V materials using interlibrary loan (Tipasa) keep these policies in mind:

  • Must be related to coursework or research
  • Pick up and return at Seymour Library Circulation Desk
  • Loan periods vary
  • Renewals vary
  • DVDs/Blu-rays cannot be put on reserve