For the most up-to-date information on borrowing times, renewals, and fines, see the library's Circulation Policies.
All films in Seymour Library, including DVDs and streaming formats, can be identified using Knox Primo. Enter your search terms, then in the results list, click on the "Videos" Resource Type limit in the list on the left-hand side.
DVDs are located in the colonnade on the first floor of Seymour Library and are arranged on the shelves by call number.
After finding the film case, take it to the circulation desk for check out.
Some films purchased by the Library are purchased with Public Performance Rights (PPR). The Library staff is currently working on updating all library catalog records to indicate whether or not the film was purchased with PPR. The catalog record will display the notes just below the call number. If a film was acquired with PPR, the note will will read "Knox owns Public Performance Rights for this film" as in this example:
If a film was not acquired with Public Performance Rights, the note will read "No Public Performance Rights." A film not acquired with PPR will have Home Viewing Rights.
If there is no note, the Library staff can research the PPR on the film. Contact a librarian liaison to inquire about PPR for films with no note.
All the above rights apply in addition to the right to make film screenings open to the entire campus, the general public, clubs, or any group so as long as admission fees are not charged.