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HIST 366: The American Civil Rights Movement

Collections of Primary Sources

There are some collections of primary documents about the Civil Rights Movement on Open Reserve in Seymour Library! Use the tables of contents and/or indexes in each book to find primary material on your topic.



A document collection from the U.S. FBI's program of surveillance known as COINTELPRO is at the FBI Vault site. The relevant collection is the Black Extremist groups papers. There are also a few documents in the White Hate Groups (e.g., KKK) files that might be relevant.

In addition, the microfilm of the COINTELPRO Papers focusing on the F.B.I.'s investigations into black nationalist hate groups is available on microfilm. Please see Laurie Sauer, or another library staff member if you need help using the microfilm. (Note: It is unclear if the web material exactly duplicates the microfilm collection.)

Two Databases with Collections of Primary Source Material

Black Thought and Culture is a subscription-based online resource. The collection contains almost 1300 resources from over 1000 authors with full text of interviews, journal articles, speeches, essays, pamphlets, letters and other material, including issues of the Black Panther newspaper from 1967-1980.

You can search the database by keyword or browse the subject guides to find relevant material.

Women & Social Movements has some primary documents and some secondary sources about women in the Civil Rights Movement. Search by keyword from the main page or view a list of relevant material here.