A review article presents a summary of the important research on a topic. A review article does not present original research. If you find a review article on your topic you will not only get a decent summary of the topic, but you will also get a bibliography of the important work published on that topic.
Review articles are often labeled in some way, either with the word "review" in the title or with a label attached to the article in a list of database results. Here's an example from Knox Primo showing both kinds of labels.
The Annual Reviews journals are a special type of academic journal. All the articles published in these journals are review articles. Review articles articles are extensive articles on a topic that discuss all the important scholarly research about that topic up to the point when the article is published. Annual review articles not only provide extensive summaries of topics, but they also have extensive bibliographies that you can use to find relevant sources for your papers.
See these relevant titles:
Annual Review of Environment and Resources (full text 2008-2020)
Annual Review of Resource Economics (full text 2012-present)