Knox Primo will give you many results on Jane Austen, including books and e-books. A few are listed here, but this search criteria works best:
In MLA Bibliography use the search term
DE "Austen, Jane (1775-1817)" or DE "Austen, Jane"
This search gives you over 5000 articles on Jane Austen and you can narrow from there or stack your searches (we'll discuss search stacking in the 300L workshop)
Knox Primo has many sources available on Northanger Abbey, including 1278 results for articles. Use Austen, Jane as a subject search and then add Northanger Abbey.
In MLA BIbliography use the search term
DE "Northanger Abbey"
There are over 300 results that you can narrow. Or, you can stack your searches.
Knox Primo has many sources available on Sense and Sensibility including 1853 results for articles. Use Austen, Jane as a subject search and then add Sense and Sensibility
In MLA Bibliography use the search term:
DE "Sense and Sensibility" which produces about 316 results that you can then narrow
Knox Primo has many sources available on Pride and Prejudice including 2547results for articles. Use Austen, Jane as a subject search and then add Pride and Prejudice
In MLA Bibliography use the search:
DE "Pride and Prejudice"
that returns about 775 results, so you will need to narrow, stack searches, or explore other key words
Knox Primo has many sources available on Emmaincluding 2332 results for articles. Use Austen, Jane as a subject search and then add Emma.
in MLA Bibliography use the search term:
DE "Emma"
and then narrow from those resutls.
Knox Primo has many sources available on Persuasion including 2632 results for articles. Use Austen, Jane as a subject search and then add Persuasion
In MLA Bibliography use the search:
DE "Persuasion" STACKED with DE "Austen, Jane (1775-1817)" or DE "Austen, Jane" (we'll discuss subject stacking in the workshop). You MUST STACK for this novel or otherwise the literary style "persuasion" also comes up in results.
in MLA Bibliography use the term:
DE "Fielding, Helen (1958- )" or DE "Fielding, Helen"
For Edge of reason, use: DE "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason"
Stacking these searches is also an option: