"The Maltese Falcon" in Primo brings up both the film and books/resources about the film. Be sure to use limiters on the left side to get to what y ou are looking for:
In MLA Bibliography you can use the "Browse Works" category, but be sure to choose the correct one. Hammet for the author, or Huston for the director.
The best search term is: DE "The Maltese Falcon" and use DE "film adaptation" for film adaptations.
Use DE "Double Indemnity" and DE "Film Adaptation"
Use DE "The Big Sleep" and DE "film adaptation"
Use "DE "Touch of Evil""
Use DE "Sunset Boulevard"
Use DE "Gilda" and one of the other subjects such a s DE "Film noir"
Use DE "Chinatown" and DE "Polanski, Roman"
Use DE "Blade Runner" and DE "Film adapatation"
Book: Do androids dream of electric Sheep?
DE "Scott, Ridley"
Use DE "The Big Lebowski"