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FP Bibliography and Source Evaluation Library Assignment

This FP Course Guide provides instructions and resources for completing the FP Bibliography & Source Evaluation Library assignment.

Where to Look for Sources

This assignment requires that you find your sources using either*:

  • the library catalog (AKA, Knox Primo)
  • library databases

You can always access Knox Primo from the homepage of the library website

You can also access all library databases from the library website. Select the Database tab in the "Research Help" box. From there, you can either open the drop down menu and select the specific database you want, or you can open the A - Z Database list to search for a database. On the A - Z list you can browse by both subject (e.g., education) and by type (e.g., news sources).


*NOTE: Your FP instructor may have asked you to look for sources outside of the library catalog and databases. If this is the case for your class, this will be outlined in your assignment instructions. 

Search Knox Primo

Search Knox Primo


Knox Primo

What is Knox Primo?

Knox Primo is the search system for finding materials in the Knox libraries and beyond! 

With Knox Primo you can:

  • Find materials in the Knox libraries, including course reserves, ebooks, and films
  • Identify and request materials for loan by I-Share libraries
  • Search for and access thousands of full text journal articles

How do you sign in to Knox Primo?

Use your Knox email credentials to sign in to Knox Primo, just as if you were signing into

Why sign in to Knox Primo?

It is important to sign in to Knox Primo to gain access to services in the system:

  • Your library account where you can see what you have checked out, what you have requested from I-Share, and make renewal requests
  • Links that make full text or streaming media available are only available if you login
  • I-Share requesting is only available if you login to Knox Primo