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ENVS 242: Hydrology

More Journals: Geology, Environmental Studies, Science

Some good geology journals (full text online except where indicated otherwise; use interlibrary loan to get full text of articles):

Some good environmental studies journals:

Some general science journals:

Annual Reviews

The set of journals titled Annual Reviews... provides in-depth articles on current topics in a variety of disciplines.

For instance, in the Annual Review of Environment and Resources, the recent article "Water for Agriculture: Maintaining Food Security under Growing Scarcity" discusses, using recent scholarly literature, " ... the role of water for agriculture and food security, the challenges facing irrigated agriculture, and the range of policies, institutions, and investments needed to secure adequate access to water for food today and in the future."

There are Annual Reviews on many topics. You won't always find just the right article on your topic, but if you find articles closely related to your topic, the extensive bibliographies in those articles may help you find more relevant material.