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Get Textbooks

Can I use the I-Share System to borrow my textbook?

Short Answer:  Maybe.

Long Answer:  If a copy of your textbook is available on
 I-Share, then you can request it.  I-Share loans are renewable for a period up to 16 weeks, so you can have it for the whole term. However, be sure that you are requesting the correct edition; there are often significant differences between different editions as new discoveries are made. 


  • Most libraries do not have traditional textbooks (but they will likely have novels and academic monographs)
  • If they do have your textbooks, the books may be on reserve at other libraries and not available for loan
  • Textbooks are often checked out already

You can try I-Share for your textbooks - but try soon.  


If I find my textbook on I-Share, how can I make sure that I am getting the right edition?

Short Answer: Search by ISBN.

Long Answer:  Copy the correct ISBN and then check to make sure that the title, author(s), year of copyright, and edition number match the required course text exactly.