General statistics and statistics on economic, population, and social issues; business; housing; agriculture; foreign trade; transportation; environment and energy; and science, research, and technology for 180 countries. There are time series data available and visualization tools.
Some IMF data is freely available on this site. For other data, see the International Financial Statistics in the Reference Room, Seymour Library (call# HC1 .I61).
Tracks key indicators related to the strategic environment in the Asia Pacific. The database currently provides access to data for 70 indicators, across 10 themes (examples include Economy, Trade, Energy, Politics, and Armed Forces), for 37 countries, from 1990 to 2009.
Published by the IMF on various topics. Select specific volume to browse (above link) or search the database:
Yearbook of Labour Statistics
Reports a decade of international labor stats. Most recent year in Reference HA 17 .L63x 2004 and prior years in Main Stacks.
Contains statistical information from over 100 U.S. Federal Government agencies. Subjects covered include economic and population trends, education, health care costs, aviation safety, foreign trade, energy use, farm production, and more.
International Trade Statistics Yearbook
Provides countries' external trade performance. Reference HA 17 .T7x 2004
Browse the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS - the standard used to classify industry) online or in print (more detailed information). Reference HF1041.5 .N674
The World Trade Organization (WTO) database covers member states, observers, and selected key economies in four major profiles: Trade, Tariffs, Services, and Time Series of International Trade.