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The History Databases

Historical Abstracts covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and more. It indexes over 1800 journals going back to 1955; some of the journals covered are non-English language publications.

Search tip: Filter your search results to English-only publications. Click on the "All filters" button and then filter by language.


America: History & Life is a database focusing on the history and culture of North American places covering prehistory to the present. The database includes citations, from the early 20th century to the present, to articles in history journals and other allied social sciences disciplines as they relate to the study of history.

Search both America: History & Life and Historical Abstracts at the same time in Ebsco:

When you access a database you can choose to search more than one database at the same time by selecting databases from a list. Click on the link to the database name that appears at the top of the search box to view and select databases.

When you find an article you want, check to see if the database has a link to the full text. If not, click on Access Options, then the Find It link to see if the article is available somewhere else in full text, or to request the article via interlibrary loan. 

Use JSTOR to Find Books and Articles

JSTOR contains full text of both journal articles and books. See these tips for making the most effective use of JSTOR to discover journal articles and books or book chapters on your topic:

1. Try using the FIELDS to limit your search terms. If you do not use the fields to limit your search, JSTOR will look for your search terms anywhere in the full text of the article. (Sometimes this is helpful, but most of the time, it results in too many irrelevant results.)

Tip: Think of synonyms and use the OR search operator to combine terms. Example: disease OR plague OR epidemic

Tip: Use the * as a truncation symbol to retrieve search terms with variant endings, for example: disease*

2. If you want to limit results to just articles or just books, after you see the results list, check one of the boxes to show a specific type of content:

3. After you see the results list, use the subject limit (on the left) to find content in a specific discipline: 

Additional Article Databases

Political Science Complete. Provides full text access to over 500 publications, and cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 800 journals; also includes full-text reference books and monographs and full text conference papers.

SocINDEX. A comprehensive sociology research database with over 2 million records containing informative abstracts for more than 1,200 "core" coverage journals dating as far back as 1895.

The Left Index. This database has an emphasis on political, economic, social and cultural scholarship inside and outside academia. It includes hundreds of thousands of citations and abstracts and covers historically significant left publications.