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ECON/ENVS 263: Environmental & Natural Resource Economics 263

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Annual Reviews

The Annual Reviews journals are a special type of academic journal. All the articles published in these journals are review articles. Review articles articles are extensive articles on a topic that discuss all the important scholarly research about that topic up to the point when the article is published. Annual review articles not only provide extensive summaries of topics, but they also have extensive bibliographies.

See these volumes:

Annual Review of Resource Economics (full text 2012-present)

Annual Review of Environment and Resources (full text 2008-present)

For example, see this new article in the Annual Review of Environment and Resources, "Climate Econometrics." 

How to Recognize a Scholarly Article

Scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles are the most appropriate sources to use in academic papers and projects.

A scholarly, peer-reviewed article is one that is published only after undergoing scrutiny by several scholars, called reviewers, in the author's discipline, e.g., chemistry, history, etc. The reviewers do not know the identity of the submitting author and the author, likewise, does not know the identity of the reviewers. This method insures that the results of the peer-review process are fair and impartial. The reviewers may choose to reject the article for publication or recommend that the article be published either with or without suggested changes.

Popular, non-peer-reviewed articles are ones that do not undergo academic scrutiny; these kinds of articles are generally found in news magazines like Time and National Geographic.

Because so much of the information you find is downloaded from the Internet, it is often difficult to figure out if the article you printed or downloaded is a peer-reviewed, scholarly article, and therefore suitable for academic work. Here are some quick ways you can figure out if your article is scholarly:

A. The author is a scholar. Look for a byline or a blurb that identifies the college or university where the author teaches. If no information is given, Google the author to find out.

B. There are extensive footnotes, showing the author's familiarity with and reliance on scholarship in the field.

C. The article is addressed to a knowledgeable audience, rather than to the general public.

D. The journal is one that 'sounds scholarly', for example, the title begins with Journal of ...Find the journal's home page and figure out what society or institution publishes it. See who is on the editorial board of the journal—are they scholars in the field, people with academic positions?

Environmental Economics Journals

The following journals are ranked as the best academic journals in the field of environmental economics. You will be able to find articles in these journals by searching databases (see the  "Where to Search" tab above), but you can also browse the tables of contents online, or go directly to the full text of articles, to find articles of interest.