For more information, see the box "Evaluate the Source" on the right.
For those identified as 'EBSCOHost' platform, see quick guide.
See the tab above "Get the Full Text" for help in obtaining the items you identify in the databases below.
A comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary, full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, plus indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals.
View a brief video (3:11) about using Academic Search Complete.
A comprehensive database for educational studies from the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) containing journal articles (many peer-reviewed) and reports and documents from individuals and institutions.
Provides full text for nearly 1,700 general interest periodicals dating as far back as 1975.
This database is designed for professional educators, indexing articles from over 500 journals (over half are peer reviewed).
It is important to consider the type of publication you are using for research!
Scholarly Journals report on research in a particular discipline. The articles are peer-reviewed by other scholars to verify accuracy and validity. Example: Journal of Educational Psychology
Trade Journals provide information of use to a field/industry, and is usually not research- based. The articles are not peer-reviewed. Contents include tips and tools for practitioners and innovations in a field. Example: Instructor
Magazines/Popular Journals usually focus on current topics for a general reader and are not research-based. Examples: Time and Newsweek
News sources are generally unbiased accounts of current events. Example: The New York Times
ERIC Documents include unpublished papers, association reports and government-published materials. Analyze these materials on a case-by-case basis for validity (be sure to check authorship) depending on your research purpose. Example: Classroom Management and the ADHD Student
Government Documents are primary source materials authored by various governmental agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency or the Department of Education. Example: Illinois State Board of Education Progress Report, June 2013
Websites can be produced by anyone for any reason. Consider, most importantly, the authority of website author(s) and the purpose of the site. Use these guidelines to evaluate internet sources.