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Study Abroad Resources

Access library resources while you ae abroad!


Accessing Articles

All of the databases that the Knox Library subscribes to are available to you while you are abroad!

Databases are resources that provide citations and abstracts of journal articles and other scholarly materials. 

To find recommended databases for your research topic:

Note: when you access a database from off-campus you'll be asked for your Knox username and password. Once you enter this information, you'll be directed to the resource.

Full Text

How do you find the full text of an article?

If you are in a Knox Database and you find an article you want to obtain, there may be several options to access the article:

  1. Look for a full text link in the database you are using - this may be a link to the HTML or PDF of the article.
  2. Sometimes there will be links to the free full text (also called Open Access). 
  3. Use the Find It button to find full text in other Knox databases. Click this to look up the article in Knox Primo.
  4. If the article is not available in full text or in the library, request the article via Interlibrary Loan.

Sometimes the buttons will take you to the publisher's web site where the article is NOT available for free in full text. In this case, go back the database and click the Find It button.

Tipasa Basics

Tipasa Interlibrary (ILL) Borrowing

Tipasa ILL is a system that allows Knox College faculty, staff, and students to request materials from thousands of libraries in the United States (and around the world). You can use Tipasa ILL to request:

  • Articles and book chapters
  • Books not readily available via I-Share
  • Non-print materials (DVDs, videotapes, audio, microfilm)

Tipasa Borrowing Policies

1. Requests

  1. There is no cost for Knox students, faculty and staff to use the Tipasa interlibrary loan system.
  2. All requests must be made using the Tipasa online request system, which is available to patrons with current, valid Knox email credentials.  
  3. Information supplied on the Tipasa request form must be as accurate and complete as possible. Requests that cannot be verified may be canceled with a note asking patron to resubmit the request with more complete information.
  4. Some materials are difficult to obtain, and requests for materials will be canceled after reasonable attempts have failed. Requests for items readily available via I-Share may be canceled. 

2. Borrowing Privileges

  1. Lending libraries may place restrictions on the use of their materials, such as "in library use only." Any use restrictions will be prominently displayed and must be adhered to.
  2. Films obtained via Tipasa cannot be place on Reserve.
  3. Borrowers are responsible for items received through interlibrary loan from the time the material is picked up in Seymour Library until the time it is returned to Seymour Library.
  4. Tipasa borrowing privileges may be denied or suspended to anyone who defaces or damages borrowed materials, or who disregards borrowing restrictions imposed by lending libraries, or does not return borrowed materials in a timely manner.
  5. Replacement fees may be charged to borrowers who return damaged materials; fees may also be charged to borrowers who fail to return items in a timely manner.


3. Loan Periods & Renewals

  1. Articles are sent as pdfs. Articles must be downloaded from the secure Article Exchange server or from an individual's Tipasa account.
  2. The loan period for physical materials is determined by the owning library. Materials must be returned to Seymour Library by the due date displayed on the book wrap. (do not remove the book wrap).
  3. Renewals and renewal periods for physical materials are granted at the discretion of the owning library. Request a renewal through your Tipasa account before the item comes due! Keep the item until you receive an email notification that states whether the renewal was approved or denied by the lending library.

4. Overdue Materials

  1. A notice will be sent prior to the due date as a courtesy. Several overdue notices will be sent when material is not returned by the date due.
  2. If the material is not returned in a timely manner after the due date has passed, the borrower may be liable for replacement costs for the overdue item. Once the item is 35 days overdue, the patron's Tipasa borrowing privileges for physical loans will be suspended and a fee for replacement costs will be applied to their Knox library account.